How do I schedule Brush Pickup?

The Village will chip brush and sticks on Tuesdays (weather permitting) throughout the year. Please arrange for this service by clicking here, or by calling (262) 245-2700 ext. 9 and leave your name, address and phone number when prompted.

  • Calls made by noon on Mondays will be scheduled for chipping on Tuesday. 
  • Place brush and sticks by the roadside with cut ends facing the raod.
  • Sticks with a diameter of 6" or less are an acceptable size for chipping. 
  • Christmas Trees are accepted at the curb during the month of January. This does not need to be scheduled. 
  • There is no charge if chipping takes 10 minutes or less.
  • There is a $2.50 per minute charge for each mintue after 10. 
  • Brush and sticks left by the road without scheduling will not be chipped. 
  • This service is for Improved Single Family Residential Properties Only. 

Please do not schedule for leaf pick up. Leaves will be collected during the months of April and November and the Village will routinely collect leaves at weekly intervals, therefore, scheduling for this is not needed.